These videos will guide you in discovering your path to expressing your call and skill within IM.

1. Intro to Missions
2. What is International Ministries
3. You have skills now what?
4. How can we at International Ministries help you?
5. What happens next?

What does “Serve Beyond” mean?

Within International Ministries it means serving beyond borders and affecting eternity. Our twelve ministries strategically resource missionaries and national church partners worldwide, meeting core needs of body and soul for the sake of Christ. We provide medical, construction and internet evangelism, training for pastors and lay leaders, Bible placement, specialized ministry for those within Jewish, Islamic, and orally learning communities, discipleship of children and youth, and much more.

International Ministries transcends what any one missionary, ministry or region could accomplish alone, rendering ministry far more effective than could otherwise have been.

Connect your call and skills/degrees to opportunities.

To find out opportunities for your skill/degree,
click on the thumbnail below or search.

Serve in Administration
Serve in Administration
Serve in Administration
Serve in Administration
Community Developmenet
Community Developmenet
Community Developmenet
Community Developmenet

Learn about the Ministries of IM.

Builders International

We provide missionaries and national churches with the expertise and resources required to plan, implement, and build construction projects worldwide. We deliver projects and services that bring transforming LIFE to the communities they serve.

These projects enable local champions to rise up in their community and bring lasting change. Supporting Builders International is a lasting investment that will have years of return, impacting many lives.


Our vision is to proclaim Christ to all people, build a global community of believers, and work with our partners in ministry. Our mission is to use 21st century technology to communicate the 1st century gospel by helping people discover and grow in their journey with God.


CompassionLink is a team of dedicated consultants who partner with missionaries and national churches to create and restore healthy communities. We use a Christ-centered, development-based approach to helping people help themselves. Our philosophy is that everyone has value, dignity, and potential, no matter their life situation. During that journey together, our team members take every opportunity to share the good news of Jesus Christ.

We support healthy communities through training in vertical gardens, tire gardens, food preservation, bio-sand filters, solar water disinfection, clean water initiatives, fuel-efficient stoves, alternative fuel sources, aquaponics, health and optical screening, health education and nutrition, basic first aid, infant resuscitation, disability awareness, emotional crisis recovery, and community health evangelism.

Global Initiative

Our mission is to equip and mobilize the Church to reach Muslims everywhere. We work in the areas of intercession, training, research, and mobilization to fulfill this mission by enlisting believers as intercessors, encouraging an understanding of Islam, and equipping Christians to provide a culturally sensitive witness, training people to disciple believers with a Muslim background, and assisting in planting churches among Muslims.

Global University

Global University is a worldwide on-line and distance learning pioneer, integrating education and service through a network in 150 countries. We provide access to ministerial and Christian leadership training from adult continuing education to the D. Min. level. Almost 450,000 students are enrolled in Global University courses.

Our materials are distributed in multiple languages and serve the local church and the Christian community through evangelism, discipleship and leadership training.

Jacob's Hope

Our ministry is working around the world to bring hope to Jewish people, the “children of Jacob,” through a variety of opportunities. The love of Messiah Jesus is demonstrated through compassionate activities such as water wells, food, and sustainable business efforts along with teaching, evangelizing and discipling Jewish populations.

The Hope Center facility in Israel serves Israelis as a community ministry platform by hosting various support groups, Messianic congregations, weekly counseling, and global workers for special gatherings.

Jacob’s Hope is active in several other international locations including Ukraine, Argentina, and Ethiopia.

Life Publishers

Life Publishers works in partnership with AGWM missionaries and national churches to publish requested evangelism, discipleship, and training materials. Life Publishers is a Christian multi-platform publisher that has provided Christian literature for more than 60 years. Resources have been printed and distributed in over 60 languages.

Oral Learners Initiatives

We have been reaching out to oral learners for more than 30 years, using various innovative means to spread the Gospel and make disciples. Over 100 million people across five continents have been exposed to the Gospel or discipled through our efforts and partnerships.

One third of the world cannot read the language they speak. Another third of the world chooses to learn through non-written methods. Together, two thirds of the world; 4 billion people are oral learners.

Royal Rangers International

Royal Rangers International exists to establish, strengthen, and serve the growing number of nations seeking to impact the next generation through the Royal Rangers ministry. Royal Rangers is the premier, most sought after Christian activity-based mentoring program for kids and young people in the world. The mission of Royal Rangers is to evangelize, equip, and empower the next generation of Christ-followers and lifelong servant leaders.


We want to introduce you to what it means to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. There is true peace and joy only found in knowing Jesus; not being religious but being in relationship with the one who gave his life for you. You can keep on searching or you can accept Jesus today and instantly be filled with peace.

INSPIRE is a global movement of evangelism; empowering women and girls of every Nation to breakthrough the status quo and level-up their commitment to share Jesus. We are His Ambassadors called to be light and salt!


Protect Me Project

Our mission is to prevent commercial sexual exploitation in countries of origin. We do this by building capacity among local volunteers to mobilize in the creation of no tolerance zones. No to all forms of sexual violence, including prostitution, pornography creation and user, obectification and abuse. not online. not in person. No.

The Warrior's Journey

The military creates a set of unique challenges that most people don’t recognize. These invisible wounds often lead to isolation, addiction, and suicide. The Warrior’s Journey provides warrior-to-warrior intervention and preventative resources to care for these invisible wounds.

A community of warriors helping warriors find true resilience. No paperwork. No red tape. No bull.

Contact Us

(417) 862-2781

1445 Booneville Ave.

Springfield, MO 65802